Locum GPs form a valuable part of the primary care workforce and can access a number of the schemes provided by the Phoenix Programme, including:
We are also in process of designing a CPD programme specifically for locum GPs and will provide an update in due course.
Medical indemnity guidance for GPs
Locum GPs and salaried GPs employed by practices are not indemnified by the NHS scheme and therefore require personal medical indemnity. Similarly, doctors undertaking private work or work in independent hospitals are responsible for arranging their own indemnity with a medical defence body of their choice. Click on the highlighted link for BMA guidance and FAQs.
Tips for Sessional GPs
Some Sessional GPs require support with the appraisal and revalidation process, particularly with gathering appropriate supporting information on quality improvement activity and significant events and collecting feedback from both colleagues and patients. Click on the highlighted link for the BMA guidance and for information about Quality Improvement activity.
Locum FAQs
My Locum Manager (MLM) has produced a guidance document for new locums. The document covers topics such as how to find work, what documents you’ll need and how to contribute to your pension.
Nottinghamshire Locum Bank
If you are a locum in Nottinghamshire you can now access jobs directly with practices whilst benefiting from comprehensive support using My Locum Manager (MLM). My Locum Manager is providing a holistic locum bank across Nottinghamshire to provide a cost effective and supportive system for locums and practices, without the need for agencies.Locums can visit the MLM website and click register to sign up and link to the Nottingham bank. Any problems you can email: support@mylocummanager.com or call 0191 287 5800.
GP TeamNet
Any locum GP working in Nottinghamshire can access resources held on GP TeamNet, which is a web-based platform to share resources across the health community. It includes a newsletter, information about local learning events, PLT, Webinars and pathways and guidelines. The website also includes the ability to record CPD and it links with Clarity appraisal toolkit. All locums are able to access TeamNet via a simple registration process.
NHSmail access for locum GPs
NHSmail is available for all locum GPs in England – this can be useful as NHSmail is often used to share sensitive information securely with other organisations. Historically your email needed to be hosted by a practice but locums can now access NHSmail themselves via the BMA website.
Please register to view all of our informative resources within the GP Phoenix Programme.