
About Us

Our mission is to provide support for GPs and their teams working in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire at all stages of career. We began working with local GPs in February 2019 following concerns regarding retention and recruitment of colleagues. We started by asking GPs themselves what support they needed and our programme has grown from there.

We offer a range of services including one-to-one career advice, signposting, mentoring, education, group support and fellowships. To date we have engaged with >350 local GPs and >280 GP trainees.

“I think the Phoenix Programme is amazing and really makes GPs feel as though they matter and that their careers are important.”

Being a GP has always been a demanding role. Currently there are additional challenges due to a variety of reasons including the pandemic, workforce shortages, clinical demand and investment levels. Whilst as an organisation we cannot solve all day to day workload related issues, we can endeavour to ensure that all local GPs are able to access support throughout their career. Working together with employers and other system partners, we strive to foster a sense of belonging and career development opportunities to ensure that Nottingham and Nottinghamshire is the best place to be a GP.

The Phoenix Programme is run by Plexus Support Services Ltd.

  • To facilitate a smooth and supportive transition for GPs starting work in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, including for colleagues who are newly qualified, new to the area and/or new to the UK
  • To provide support, networking and career development opportunities for GPs working in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire at all career stages
  • To work collaboratively to develop workforce strategies for primary care to support practices, PCNs, federations and the ICS and to share learning with other providers and stakeholders

We work collaboratively with other local organisations to provide a structured, planned and coordinated response to the workforce issues facing primary care.

We are powered by Plexus Support Services Ltd and work closely with colleagues across the system including the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS, local federations and PCN leads.

We welcome engagement from employers and system organisations that can get in touch via email.

We receive funding directly for national schemes via NHSE and via Primary Care Transformation Funding for locally prioritised schemes. We report monthly on activity and finances to the Primary Care Workforce Group and deliver annual end of year evaluations in collaboration with an independent evaluator.

We work closely with colleagues at Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub who provide similar support for other members of the Primary Care team.