
Senior Career

This section of our website covers schemes and general support/resources for those GPs who are at least 20 years post qualification up to retirement.

Interviews carried out locally and nationally with experienced GPs have informed us that colleagues can face a variety of challenges towards the end of their career.

In light of this we have pulled together a range of resources below that we hope you will find useful. If you have and queries or suggestions to add to this list then please contact us.

Colleagues have told us that they already have well formed peer groups and support, however a common concern is around financial planning. As such, in early 2023 we led a series of webinars on topics including finances and career advice towards retirement and plan to run this again early in 2024.

Many senior GPs expressed a wish to ‘give back’ towards the end of their career to colleagues, to local NHS systems and to patients. As a result, we are delivering senior career fellowships in collaboration with local federations that will provide this opportunity.


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