
GP Trainee Transition Scheme

A survey of GP trainees in 2019 found that many were concerned about how they would adapt to working independently post CCT and suggested that they would value support and mentoring during training to ease this transition.

The Nottinghamshire GP Trainee Transition Scheme (TTS) was created by the Phoenix Programme in September 2019 as part of the response to this feedback. It is an education programme that complements the well-established teaching offered during GP training. The TTS aims to deliver an introduction to the non-clinical aspects of life as a GP as well as providing pastoral support to prepare trainees as they enter the local workforce as qualified GPs. It is a unique programme for our region. The Phoenix Programme presented this work at national conference level at the RCGP AGM conference in October 2021 and it featured in article for GP Online.

“71% believed that being connected to the Phoenix Programme during GP training and being aware of the support that it offers to newly qualified GPs influences their decision to work in Nottinghamshire after they qualify.”

There is a natural ‘glide path’ that on completion of GP training, early career GPs can join our local GP New to Practice Fellowship programme. During this transition the Phoenix Programme can assist colleagues in finding employment and facilitating employment discussions. As part of the New to Practice Fellowship the support, mentoring and education will continue during the first two years of independent working.

Key objectives:

  • To enable Nottinghamshire GP Trainees to gain confidence for independent practice
  • To demonstrate to local GP trainees the benefits of staying and working in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire post qualification.
  • To provide developmental roles for early career GPs with a special interest in medical education.

What does the TTS currently provide for Nottinghamshire GP Trainees?

The TTS Tutors are a small team of qualified GPs with a special interest in education. The Nottingham GP Specialty Training Scheme (GPSTP) is divided into six locality groups based on geographical groupings of practices. The Phoenix Programme provides each locality group with a TTS tutor who facilitates small group teaching to compliment the existing GP training programme curriculum. The topics covered aim specifically to prepare trainees for life after training and their career ahead. These areas often cannot be covered by vocational training schemes due to an already crowded curriculum. Our sessions have included the structure of primary care, addressing health inequalities, portfolio careers and wellbeing, with subjects chosen both by trainees themselves and experienced tutors.

“90.3% agreed or strongly agreed that having a mix of sessions led by a Trainee Transition Scheme Tutor and led by trainees is useful for their learning.”
h3. “They [TTS teaching sessions] are brilliant and help structure and support our development making the transition into real GP a lot more comfortable”

In addition, our tutors provide informal mentoring and facilitate a supportive WhatsApp group for participants with an aim to cement links between the trainees themselves and between trainees and local practices, local communities and local workforce support. Not only does this scheme benefit GP trainees, it also provides opportunities for qualified early career GPs to gain experience in medical education.

Currently the TTS is currently only operational for trainees on the Nottingham GP Speciality Training Scheme. We do also have established links with the Sherwood GP Speciality Training Scheme and we are keen to provide support to trainees across the county.

The Trainee Transition Scheme is one of many schemes/initiatives provided by the Phoenix Programme which are available to all GPs across Nottinghamshire. We would encourage trainees to register with the Phoenix Programme as early as possible in order to be kept up to date with local opportunities for support, training and career development.


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