
Senior GP Fellowships: Meet the Fellows

Since this scheme began we have had over ten senior GP fellows – click on the bars below to find out about their projects.

Dr Dick Churchill

DickC I am undertaking a senior career fellowship with Nottingham City GP Alliance (NCGPA) looking at the development of a sustainable general practice model to deliver care for people particularly in deprived and disadvantaged communities.

Drawing on my own extensive experience as an academic GP involved in teaching and training I am endeavouring to synthesise and distil information and evidence from a variety of sources to provide an empirical basis for my conclusions.

The project is particularly relevant and interesting in the context of the challenges and stresses facing general practice today.

Dr Nick Page

Having successfully incorporated several ARS roles into their primary care structure, Rushcliffe PCN were interested in both exploring and supporting the new primary care mental health workers as they began working. Rather than implement an immediate direct referral policy from primary care, the focus has been on clarifying a broader role for the initial worker, soon to be joined by a colleague. In the short term this has led to a greater understanding of the referral process and changes needed to improve the effectiveness of the written referral; going forward work is now needed to ensure the transition from working with patients felt not to be suitable for LMHT involvement to being embedded within the practices is as successful as it can be. Another senior nurse starts in post in September which opens up new dynamics and there are challenges from a change in NHS policy to use a model with Band 4 workers. I have been fortunate to have experience from a past mental health commissioning role as well as being recently retired from local general practice, but would reflect that it has been a great opportunity to advise, and help, a local service evolve to benefit both clinicians and, of course, patients.

Dr Julie Barker

Julieb After 30 years of General Practice, it has been wonderful to be resourced to undertake a project relating to my specialist interest in End of Life Care. There is a gap in knowledge of what aspects of advance care planning make the biggest difference to patient outcomes, particularly in the community. My project for Mid Notts Place assesses the quality of Respect forms within two contrasting Mid Notts PCNs. The quality results were then compared with outcomes for the patients and their families, who were invited to give their personal feedback about the Respect process and the support they were given. There is a close correlation between Respect box 4 quality and better outcomes, something I will be sharing with colleagues in a variety of ways, including, I hope, a paper publication.

Dr Helen Hollis

HelenH I have been a GP in Nottingham City for many years and always had an interest in women’s health, having been an Associate Specialist in Contraception and Sexual Health in the past. Having supported an Early Years Trailblazer in setting up a LARC clinic, I joined the scheme as a senior Fellow last year to renew my Faculty Trainer Certificate and to try and increase the number of City GP Practices offering LARC. This year, I have been working closely with Public Health Commisioners and the Integrated Sexual Health Service to improve the training pathway for GPs and practice nurses and to support two more GP Fellows to achieve their Letters of Competence. Along the way, I have helped two other practices train clinicians, been involved in the women’s health hub discussions and linked up with the Physical Health Matron to improve access to LARC for homeless women


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